「Daily Life bookmark 日日はさむ」exhibit 出品 →栞をはさむということかな、と思って訳して見ました
NOV 24sekki/にじゅうしせっき[Solar term of Japanese period of seasons] 説明も入れて見ました!
ハーバリゼーションという言葉があり、植物採集の意味なのですが、見るだけではなく感じるということなので、触ってる感じもあっていいのかなと思いました→ただ、採取はせず、「眺めるみたいな感じかな。 歩きながら見る、みたいな」というイメージのようだったので、今回は「View」を使いました。植物図鑑から引用する作風の人は、ハーバリゼーション→herbarization はおすすめです。
Miku Shimizu
Born 1984, Japan. Lives and works in Tokyo.
Draw on papers, clothes and frames made by myself.
Recently theme is “A change in my feelings when Seeing and Touching Four seasons, the Weather, the view of the flora”.I am overlapping the change with the girl in the picture and I am remembering by drawing, I am trying to live more positively.
Born 1984, Japan. Lives and works in Tokyo.
Draw on papers, clothes and frames made by myself.
Recently theme is “A change in my feelings when Seeing and Touching Four seasons, the Weather, the view of the flora”.I am overlapping the change with the girl in the picture and I am remembering by drawing, I am trying to live more positively.
The 1st MIDUE Prize Part of illustration Dept. Judged Prize by MAYAMAXX
第1回みづゑ賞イラストレーション部門 MAYAMAXXさん審査員賞
works - 展示・イベント Exhibitions and Events
FEB 365days broach=Small pictures(Niji Gallery) 365日のブローチ = 小さな絵( にじ画廊)
MAR Tokiori bookstore Special exhibition 「Landscapes that 3 persons reading」tion トキオリ書房企画展「3人の読んだ景色」_( Gallery Cafe 3) _ *check Photos
MAY Early Summer in a moment 一瞬の、初夏_( museumshop T) _ *check Photos
July Pha n to m, [It originally MA BO RO SI]_ ( circus) _ *check Photos
Sep illustration Festival( 3331 Arts Chiyoda) _ *check Photos
OCT ARTS&CRAFT Shizuoka habdmade bazaar静岡手創り市 web 「Daily Life bookmark 日日はさむ」exhibit 出品
NOV 24sekki/にじゅうしせっき[Solar term of Japanese period of seasons]_( QuantumGallery&Studio) _ *check Photos
MAR Solo Exhibition 「Letters and faces of spring レターと春の顔」_( circus) _ *check Photos
JUNE 「Yom.Yom.Sunny」 exhibition_( SUNNY BOY BOOKS)
SEP circus 4 year’s anniversary 4周年イベント_( circus)
SEP Solo Exhibition「New Pieces of daily life and of behavior of Autumn 新しいかけらと秋の仕草」_( SUNNY BOY BOOKS) _ *check Photos
MAR Published, Miku Shimizu Art works Exhibition of Original pictures 清水美紅 画集 2005-2015 原画展_( circus) _ *check Photos
SEP Solo Exhibition 「Under all over the world’s weatherすべての天気の下で」_( Niji Gallery) _ *写真をみる
Terms of Autumn ARTS&CRAFT handmade market in Shizuoka 静岡手創り市 web 「The garden of bluish clouds」Miku Shimizu×Makiko Iwamoto「碧雲の庭」清水美紅×いわもとまきこ _ *check Photos
FEB I exhibit the small picture in the Exhibition of Kae Tooyama_(The nursery school in the country placed in the middle of nature -small village- しぜんの国保育園) _ *check Phostos
JUNE Solo Exhibition「a morning dew colored scarf つゆ色のスカーフ 」_( SUNNY BOY BOOKS) _ *check Photos
Terms of Spring ARTS&CRAFT handmade market in Shizuoka 春期ARTS&CRAFT 静岡手創り市 web cabins project 「SPRING wear stars CABIN」小屋企画「ハル 星まとう コヤ」_ *check Photos
Terms of Autumn ARTS&CRAFT handmade market in Shizuoka 秋期ARTS&CRAFT 静岡手創り市 web & Exhibit tours fosset 巡回展 fosset web cabins project 「AUTUMN loves flower CABIN」小屋企画「アキ 花めでる コヤ」_ *check Photos
The Rainbow Land#4 『The talling of blue drops』Kae Touyama web×Miku Shimizu×Ichiko Aoba 虹色の国#4『青い雫の話』 東山佳永 web× 清水美紅×青葉市子 _ *check Photos
&SCENE handmade market workshop 「My free-use notebook」手創り市 web ワークショップ「わたしのじゆうちょう」
A time of Binding colors 色を綴じるとき_ ( SUNNY BOY BOOKS) _ *check Photos
Terms of Autumn ARTS&CRAFT handmade market in Shizuoka 「Atelier, Before the Winter」 秋期ARTS&CRAFT 静岡手創り市 web「アトリエ 冬のまえ」 _ *check Photos
GEISAI#16 _ *写真をみる
Terms of Spring ARTS&CRAFT handmade market in Shizuoka 春期ARTS&CRAFT 静岡手創り市 web_ *check Photos
Terms of Autumn ARTS&CRAFT handmade market in Shizuoka 秋期ARTS&CRAFT 静岡手創り市 web
Solo Exhibition 「The clacking had become very thin」 個展「うすらいのヒビ」_ ( Gallery Cafe 3)_ *checkPhotos
Solo Exhibition「sigh」 個展「sigh」_ ( GALLERY&WORKSHOP hachidori) _ *check Photos
Traveling Exhibition in 2 locations 「Fluctuation」Plan:ARTS&CRAFT handmade market in Shizuoka 二会場巡回展「ゆらぎ」 企画:ARTS&CRAFT 静岡手創り市
・Oct 8,9 Terms of Autumn ARTS&CRAFT handmade market in Shizuoka web _ *check Photos
・Oct 21~26 Toriko web _ *check Photos
「The Songs of tears」 Art works Exhibition of Original pictures 「 涙の歌」 原画展_ ( kashimihou)
Miku Shimizu × Sayori Maruyama × Yousuke Yamaguchi「The skin color from accross the mountain stream」清水美紅 × 丸山紗依 × 山口洋佑「沢の向こうから来た肌色」_ ( gallery DAZZLE)
Terms of Autumn ARTS&CRAFT handmade market in Shizuoka
Live painting at ARTS&CRAFT handnade market in Shizuoka (shizuokagokoku Shrine) /LIVE:uni、jutomani
Also joined KANATA BOOKS at there
Our abstract painting classroom(Nariwai) 私たちの抽象画教室_(ナリワイ) *check Photos
Exhibition 「untitled tracks」企画展「 untitled tracks」_( rojicafe)_ *check Photos
Solo Exhibition「Seeing is Drawing」 個展「Seeing is Drawing」_( rojicafe)_ *Check the exhibition views _ *Check the 「Transparent painting」at outside
Miku Shimizu・Sayori Maruyama 「Someone who is not us」清水美紅・丸山紗依 二人展「わたしたちではない誰か」_( rojicafe)_ *check Photos
roji ART EXHIBITION「Wall Painting Exhibition」_( rojicafe)_ *check Photos
Exhibition「Mihouten」企画展「 美呆展」_ ( rojicafe)_ *check Photos
Same as above, joined at opening event live painting / LIVE: Shunsuke Yuki 同上 opening eventライブペインティング /LIVE:ユキシュンスケ_ *check Photos
Ryo Ebisawa curation 海老沢 竜 キュレーション Swimming cap is too tight. _ ( Gallery Conceal Shibuya) *check Photos
Solo Exhibition 個展「SUNSANA」_( rojicafe)_ *check Photos
Exhibition「Mihouten」企画展「 美呆展」_ (In charge of sala da te cafe)_ *check Photos
Exhibition roji ART EXHIBITION2007 「Portrait」_ ( rojicafe)
Dopperu Nanchera warehouse, Joined many live painting shows ドッペルナンチャラ倉庫でライブペインティングたくさん参加
The 1st Miduwe Prise Selected artists Exhibition(Mizuwe ceramics classroom) 第1回みづゑ賞受賞作品展_(みづゑ陶芸教室)_ *check Photos
Same as above, touring Exhibition (Gallery V→SELF-SO art)同上、巡回展_(ギャラリーヴィー → SELF-SOアート)
Solo Exhibition「DAILYKNEE」(Kingyo cafe) 個展「DAILYKNEE」_( 金魚カフェ)_ *check Photos
Joined apple the 30th gallery Exhibition After war? independent? Recovering one's life appel第30回画廊企画 戦後?アンデパンダン? -日常の回復- に参加 _( appel)_ *check Photos
Dopperu Nanchera warehouse, Joined many live painting shows ドッペルナンチャラ倉庫でライブペインティングたくさん参加